
Remember, you don’t need to sign in anywhere but you do need to register.  Only registered users will have their comments accepted on the blog.  Click on the Student Registration Tab to register, then simply enter your comments in the box under “Post a Comment”.  To submit a comment, write your comment in the box; remember to add your first name, last initial, and click on publish.  Then choose 'comment as anonymous' but remember to put your name in the comment box so we know who the comment is from. 

The Audio Version (not viewable on ipads):

Book Review Format

The Long Version:
In the first sentence, let us know the name of the book that you read and the author of the book.  For example, “I just finished reading The Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan.”

Next, give us brief summary of the book without giving away too much of the story!

Then, tell us what you thought of the book, this is your reaction to the story – did you like it, love it, want some more of it?  Why do you feel this way – give a couple of short examples.

Be sure to mention a favorite and/or least favorite part of the story. 

Finally, is this a book that you would recommend to someone?  Who do you think would enjoy this story?

The Short Version:
Title and Author
Brief Summary
Your Reaction to the book and why
Favorite and/or Least Favorite part
Would you recommend it?
To whom would you recommend it?

Website Reviews
Have fun exploring the Language Arts websites that you’ll find on the tabs at the top of the page.  There are very different types of games and activities on these pages and you should try as many as you can, then post a review for the other students.  You should post at least once a week, so that you have a chance to visit as many websites as you can.

Website Review Format - The Only Version:
Post a brief summary of which website you visited and what activities you did.
Give your reaction to the activities that you tried.  Did you like this website, love it, want some more of it?
Would you recommend this website?
Who would enjoy this website and why?

Commenting on Other Posts
Be sure to look over what others have written and feel free to add your comments to their posts.  Remember, your post won’t appear until I have a chance to review it!